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بغيت موضوع my favorite gift 2024.

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مرحباااااااا بغيت موضوع my favorite gift سهل ومبسط

ضروري الله يخليكن

Has anyone ever asked you the question – What is your most favorite gift that someone has given you?

Previously, that may have been hard for me to answer…

But, really, what a lovely thing to ask a person. I haven’t taken the time to tell anyone, much about this one particular Christmas present I received, compliments of my dear friend.

Only those in my immediate family, who were actually ‘present’ when I opened it, know that I received this gift. And I’m not sure that they even know, what this gift meant and means to me now. Because of this, I am grateful to have the chance to share this gift – with all of you.

Typical me, I was still racing all around the house, and it was now already, Christmas eve. And yet, it could have been any… of the many occassions that I find myself in this state.

كلام جميــــــل


ما شاء الله عليج اختي سعاد
بارك الله فيج الغالية


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