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محتاجة مساعدة ضرورى ولكم الأجر والثواب 2024.

السلام عليكم
كيف حالكم بنات
عندي طلب واتمنى انكن تساعدوني فيه منو يقدر يكتبلى هذا الموضوع طبعا باللغه الانجليزيه،،
بنات ارجوكم[,لاتطنشوني ،، لاني بالفعل محتاجه للموضوع هذا ضرورى
Send aletter to the news paper to stop cutting trees in the rain forest


لقيت لج هالرسايل على النت أرسلوها اطفال لرئيس التحرير ، حاولي ما تنسخينها عشان المصداقية ، هي مجرد امثلة عشان تكتبين مثلها :
Try to save the rainforest by recycling
To the Editor:

The rain forest is a place where animals live, where we get some of our oxygen, and where we get paper. The rain forest is getting destroyed because people are cutting down trees. This is happening in different rain forests around the world, like in the Amazon and the Costa Rican rain forests. Who may you ask is doing this? The people who are doing this are the people that cut down trees, like lumberjacks. If you’re wondering when this is happening, well it’s happening now because of people cutting down the trees in the rainforest. Why are they doing this? It’s because we need the paper, the firewood, and all the other things you make from trees.

We should try to save the rain forest by recycling. If you don’t recycle I think you should get a fine like the littering fine we have now. People can help with this problem by recycling more and cutting down less trees.

My reasons for this is animals are losing their homes because of all the trees being cut down. Also, since trees are being cut down we are losing more and more oxygen. Finally, if we keep losing trees in the rain forest, we’ll lose our essential foods, like b****as.

I know you’re thinking, "What about the other side’s opinion?" The other side might say, "We need paper to write on, if we don’t have paper what are we supposed to write on?" Well, you can write on paper, just don’t throw it out if it only has words on one side or barely any words on it at all. When it’s covered with words don’t throw it in the trash!!! Put it in the recycling bin! If you want to live longer then recycle more paper! Every day poor animals are losing their homes because of what we are doing to the rain forest. If you recycle or reuse paper, just think about what you are doing to the animals, you are saving their lives.

12K square miles of rainforest lost per year
To the Editor:

We all know it’s a problem that rainforests are being cut down, but we aren’t doing enough to save them. Pulp and paper industry consumes more than 12,000 square miles of rain forest each year. Almost half of those trees being consumed are turned into paper. Now, in 2024, nearly half of the original rain forests have been lost. Even if we recycle, we may think we are doing enough but we’re really not. It hasn’t made a big enough difference in the cutting down of rain forests. At this rate, the rain forests could be gone in only 40 years. We all want to keep them from being destroyed.

A lot of people think about making changes to help, but they don’t always do it. This is something that we really should do. Why cut down all those trees for paper when you could save trees and use tree-free paper! As you may have guessed, it isn’t made from trees. It is paper made from plants. If you ask your local paper store to sell it, more and more people will start using it, and we will need less tree paper, so less trees will be cut down. It is a small change that can help save the rain forest.

A lot of people think about making changes to help, but they don’t always do it. This is something that we really should do. Why cut down all those trees for paper when you could save trees and use tree-free paper! This will make a bigger difference than recycling, and it isn’t hard to do. The rainforest could be gone soon. We need to help.

You’re probably thinking "How much is the tree-free paper?" It is a little less than double the amount of plain paper you get at Staples, but don’t you think it would be worth it to save the rain forest? Do you really want people to chop down the rain forest and do nothing about it?

The rainforest could be gone in the next 40 years, and recycling isn’t enough to save it. Do you want the rain forest to be destroyed? We should at least help. Make a change to save the rain forest and use tree-free paper.

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