تخطى إلى المحتوى


اختي اي صف اختج ؟

هلا اختي انا حاولت اكتبلج بس غيرت شويتين في الموضوع
يعني بكتبلج عن عايله ساروا العين
شو رايج اكمل والا مب هذا المطلوب

adventure Last week we went to Al Ain with ally my family ,my mother ,my mother and my three sisters Aisha,Maryam and Shaika.
My brothers Rashid and Ahmed .
We went there by car it takes 2 hours to get there we were looking for this adventure since last year
when we reach there we started to take out our things from the car my little sisterShaaika started to help us i was so proud of her

هلا الغاليه
انزين تبين اكمل اللي كتبته والا اللي تبينه غير ؟

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