بسرعة بسرعة
أريد موضوع تعبير عن حيوان باللغة الإنجليزية مهم اليوم
my favorite animal
أأين البقية
اختي لو سمحتي لازم تحطين لاي مستوى دراسي تبينه علشان الاسلوب
عموما انا بحطلج موضوع يناسب الوحله الابتدائيه وممكن الاعداديه
My favorite animal is the dog. The dog is very faithful animal,it helps people in alot of aspects .The dog helps blind people to know there ways ,it also helps police in their works not only that ,but it is also play with children and learn from them .Dogs also protects houses from strangers ,there are alot kinds of dogs some you can keep them home and some are not.
انشاء الله اكون ساعدتج واذا تبين شي انا حاضره
يزاج الله خير
Cat is the pets. There are other good qualities such as cleanliness and accompanied by the kind of man.
What she needs ?
. Dating from humans or CATS
. Balanced diet, making sure that there is no bone in their diet –
. Clean water for drinking
. Safe place and scale to move it
. Warm place to sleep when
. Combing her hair regularly
. Cleaning teeth and Brusher Putty, and a visit to the doctor veterinary because cats often suffer from problems in dentistry
. Preventive vaccinations to protect them from dangerous diseases
. Given vaccines against insects
. Training in the use of a specific place where graduation
. Trim tentacles because they damaged furniture and carpets
I wish you a happy day