تخطى إلى المحتوى

الأخطاء الشائعة في الانجليزية 2024.

السلام عليكم
عندي كتاب يحتوي على الأخطاء اللي نقع فيها لما نتكلم الانجليزية حبيت إني أنقله لكم وإن شاء الله تستفيدون منه

1-منهمك Absorbed:in not at
Don,t say: The man was absorbed at his work
say: the man was absorbed in his work

2-يتهم Accuse of , not for:
Dont say: He accused the man for stealing
say: He accused the man of stealing

3-متعود على Accustomed to not with
Don,t say: Iam accustomed with hot weather
say: Iam accustomed to hot weather

4-خائف Afraid of not from
Don,t say: The girl is afraid from the dog
say: The girl is afraid of the dog

والبقية قادمة بإذن الله

ثانكس الغلاا


الله احب اتعلم انجليزي مشكوره فديتج على الكلمات الحلوه واتريا يديدج……..

الله يسلمك إختي ملكة الحور
مشكورة على مرورك الراقي

العفو إختي ملامح قمر
مشكورة إنتي على مرورك الطيب

تكملة الكلمات :
5- Aim at, not on or against :يسدد أو يصوب
Don,t say: He aimed on(or against) the bird
say: He aimed at the bird

6- Angry with, not against:غضبان
Don,t say: The teacher was angry against him
say: The teacher was angry with him
NOTE: We get angry with aperson but at athing such as : He was angry at the weather not with aweather

7- Anxious about , not forمهموم أو مشغول البال
Don,t say: They are anxious for his health
say: They are anxious about his health
عندما يكون معناه متشوقNOTE:but anxious meaning "wishing very much
takes for such as : Parents are anxious for their childrens success

8- Arrive at not to:يصل
Don,t say : We arrived to the village at night
say : We arrived at the village at night
NOTE:Arrive in is used of countries and large cities such as
sara has arrived in Lodon- NewYork- India,etc


thx sis 4 help

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