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عالعموم ما اطول عليكم واللي تساعدني يزاها الله الف خير
1_write ariddle using an interesting fact about snake
2_how long snake sleep?where goes it sleep?
3_how does snake move ?
4_ other cool facts

ارجوكم بسرعه علشان ادرس ولدي :1 (9):

Interesting informationa about snakes:

All snakes are carnivorous, eating small animals including lizards and other snakes, rodents and other small mammals, birds, eggs or insects. Some snakes have a venomous bite, which they do use to kill their prey before eating it. Other snakes kill their prey by constriction. Still others swallow their prey whole and alive. Most snakes are very easy to feed in captivity, apart from a minority of species.

Snakes do not chew their food and have a very flexible lower jaw, the two halves of which are not rigidly attached, and numerous other joints in their skull (see snake skull), allowing them to open their mouths wide enough to swallow their prey whole, even if it is larger in diameter than the snake itself. It is a common misconception that snakes actually dislocate their lower jaw to consume large prey.

After eating, snakes become torpid while the process of digestion takes place. Digestion is an intensive activity, especially after the consumption of very large prey. In species which feed only sporadically, the entire intestine enters a reduced state between meals to conserve energy, and the digestive system is ‘up-regulated’ to full capacity within 48 hours of prey consumption. So much metabolic energy is involved in digestion that in Crotalus durissus, the Mexican rattlesnake, an increase of body temperature to as much as 14 degrees Celsius above the surrounding environment has been observed.[2] Because of this, a snake disturbed after having eaten recently will often regurgitate its prey in order to be able to escape the perceived threat. However, when undisturbed, the digestive process is highly efficient, dissolving and absorbing everything but hair and claws, which are excreted along with uric acid waste. Snakes have been known to occasionally die from trying to swallow an animal that is too big. Snake digestive acids are unable to digest most plant matter, which passes through the digestive system mostly untouched.

Snakes do not normally prey on people, but there are instances of small children being eaten by large constrictors in the jungle[citation needed]. While some particularly aggressive species exist, most will not attack humans unless startled or injured, preferring instead to avoid contact. The majority of snakes are either non-venomous or possess venom that is not harmful to humans.

"Flying" snakes

Several species of snake have the ability to glide, all being in the genus Chrysopelea. They are quite capable at it, able to travel as far as 13.7 metres through the air. They tend to make slithering motions to steer and help propel themselves along, propulsion being something unusual among the many gliding animals. This may have contributed, in ancient times, to the belief in Wyrms (Legless, snake-like dragons that could supposedly fly.)

Snakes movements:

The snake moves corresponding to the flute movement and the vibrations from the tapping of the charmer’s foot which is not noticed by the public. They rarely catch their snakes and the snakes are either nonvenomous or defanged cobras. Sometimes these people exploit the fear of snakes by releasing snakes into the neighbourhood and then offering to rid the residence of snakes. Other snake charmers also have a snake and mongoose show, where both the animals have a mock fight; however, this is not very common, as the snakes, as well as the mongooses, may be seriously injured or killed.

Snakes Sleep:

Snakes look for caves, holes in the ground, or cracks in rocks to sleep in, they also sleep together to keep their body temperature warm at night, and their eyes stay open because snakes have no eyelids to close over them. But they have eye protection just the same: special see-through scales.

Cool information about Snakes

In Egyptian history, the snake occupies a primary role with the Nile cobra adorning the crown of the pharaoh in ancient times. It was worshipped as one of the Gods and was also used for sinister purposes: murder of an adversary and ritual suicide (Cleopatra).

In Greek Mythology snakes are often associated with deadly and dangerous antagonists. The 9 headed Hydra Hercules defeated and the three Gorgon sisters are literary examples. Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters who Perseus defeated. Medusa is described as a hideous mortal, with snakes instead of hair and the power to turn men to stone with her gaze.

Two medical symbols involving snakes that are still used today are Bowl of Hygieia, symbolizing pharmacy, and the Caduceus and Rod of Asclepius, which are symbols denoting medicine in general.

India is often called the land of snakes and is steeped in tradition regarding snakes. Snakes are worshipped as gods even today with many women pouring milk on snake pits (despite snakes’ aversion for milk). The cobra is seen on the neck of Shiva and Vishnu is depicted often as sleeping only on a 7 headed snake. There are also several temples in India solely for cobras sometimes called Nagraj (King of Snakes) and it is believed that snakes are symbols of fertility. There is a Hindu festival called Nagpanchami each year on which day snakes are venerated and prayed to.

In Christianity the snake makes its infamous appearance in the first book (Genesis) of the Bible when a snake appears before the first couple Adam and Eve and tempts them with the forbidden fruit. It is also seen in Exodus when Moses, as a sign of God’s power, turns his stick into a snake; snakes are similarly produced by the pharaoh’s magic-practicing priests, but Moses’ snake devours them. Later Moses made Nehushtan, a bronze snake on a pole that when looked at cured the people of bites from the snakes that plagued them in the desert. Jesus instucted his disciples to be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

The Ouroboros is a symbol that is associated with many different religions and customs, and is also claimed to be related to Alchemy. The Ouroboros or Oroboros is a snake manifesting its own tail in a clock-wise direction (from the head to the tail) in the shape of a circle, representing manifestation of one’s own life and rebirth, leading to immortality.

Snake belongs to one of the 12 celestial animals of Chinese Zodiac, in the Chinese calendar.

In the fictional Harry Potter series, snakes have played an important role, and are mostly associated with evil characters. A skull with a snake emerging from its mouth is the Dark Mark, the symbol of Lord Voldemort, and the ability to speak to snakes is generally considered to be one of the Dark Arts.

Snakes are the trademark symbol for rock star Alice Cooper.

بس السموحة الغالية ماقدرت احصل لج كم فترة نومها

يزاج الله خير اختي امووون
والله يبارك فيج
وريحج مثل ما ريحتيني

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة وحدة مواطنه خليجية
يزاج الله خير اختي امووون
والله يبارك فيج
وريحج مثل ما ريحتيني

العفووو الغالية .. بالعكس أي وقت..

انا ما يردني عنكم وعن المنتدى الا الانشغال .. ويوم عندي وقت من عيوني الثنتين

مرحبا الساااااااااااااع.. ما شاء الله عليج يا( أمووون ) والله ما قصرتي ..

ان شالله يااعدنج البناات راازه ويهي ادري


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