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Who are professional with computer? 2024.

[Who are professional with computer?
Hi ladies
I need some help in computer parts if any one know please tell me what is it with some description and illustration.

File Optic
File Sharing
Full Duplex
GUI Graphical User Interface
Half Duplex
Heat Sink

افااااا محد ساعدني

السلام عليكم إختي نيفيا
بخصوص الكلمات والاختصارات اللي كاتبتهم هذا اللي أعرفه فيهم:
Firmware: permanent software instructions contained in the ROM

FTP: File transfer protocol

Gateway: Adevice used to interconnect different types of networks

GUI Graphical User Interface: An operating enviroment based on graphics(windows,icons,pop-up menus),mouse and pointer,e.g. the
macintosh system, microsoft windows,IBM OS2 warp or OSF motif

Hardware: The electronic and mechanical parts that make up
acomputer system

Host: The computer which you contact to access the Internet

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, codes used on the Web pages

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the method by which Web pages are transferred from an Internet site to your pc

Hypertext: Text that contains links to other document. The codes used to create hypertext documents are called HTML

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